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Arborvitae Trees

Ghost Lamium

Lamium maculatum 'Ghost'

6 reviews

Arborvitae Trees

Ghost Lamium

Lamium maculatum 'Ghost'

6 reviews

  • Drought tolerant and low maintenance
  • Beautiful silver foliage adds interest to garden beds
  • Attracts pollinators such as bees and butterflies
  • Ships to 43215 in 3 to 7 days
  • Free Shipping Over $150
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Why Ghost Lamium?

Ghost Lamium (Lamium maculatum 'Ghost') is a popular groundcover plant known for its unique appearance. Its silvery-grey leaves shimmer in the sunlight and create an eye-catching contrast with other plants in the garden. Ghost Lamium spreads quickly, making it an excellent choice for filling in empty spaces and creating a lush look. This low-maintenance plant also tolerates shade well and attracts pollinators, making it a perfect addition to any garden or landscape.

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Ghost Lamium thrives in partial shade to full shade conditions. It prefers a balance of sunlight and shade, tolerating low light levels well. However, direct and intense sunlight can cause its leaves to scorch, so it is best to provide adequate shade.

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Ghost Lamium has average watering requirements. It prefers consistently moist soil, but not waterlogged. Water it when the top inch of soil feels dry. Avoid overwatering as it can lead to root rot.

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Ghost Lamium does not have specific fertilizer requirements. It can thrive in various soil types, but prefers well-draining soil. A general-purpose balanced fertilizer can be used during the growing season to promote healthy growth and flowering.

If you're looking for a unique and visually stunning plant to elevate your garden, look no further than Ghost Lamium. Flourishing in partial to full shade, this plant boasts silvery-white variegated leaves with light-green borders, adding a touch of light and depth to your outdoor space. It is suitable for USDA hardiness zones 3 to 8 and can adapt well to various soil types, making it adaptable to different regions across the United States.

Ghost Lamium is perfect for groundcover, edging, or underplanting, providing a unique and eye-catching presence that brings depth and texture to your landscape design. It also attracts bees, butterflies, and other pollinators, bringing life and vitality to your garden. This plant prefers moist, well-drained soil but is hardy and resilient enough to tolerate dry shade. It is a low-maintenance and easy-to-grow plant that adds a unique touch to your garden.

It is an ideal choice for gardeners seeking a resilient and adaptable plant that is easy to grow, low maintenance, and brings depth and texture to their outdoor space.

In addition to its captivating visual appeal and ability to attract pollinators, Ghost Lamium has some unique qualities that make it even more intriguing. This plant is known for its ability to spread and fill in areas quickly, making it an excellent choice for filling bare patches or creating lush ground cover. The silvery-white variegation of its leaves gives the plant a ghostly appearance, adding a touch of mystique to your garden. Ghost Lamium also has a long blooming season, producing delicate pink or purple flowers that provide a pop of color against the silver foliage. With its unique characteristics and versatility, Ghost Lamium is sure to be a standout feature in any garden or landscape design. Enjoy the unique lightness and subtlety of Ghost Lamium as it adds a charming and subtle presence to your garden.


Plant Information:

Botanical Name: Lamium maculatum 'Ghost'
USDA Zones: 4-9
Water: Moderate
Exposure: Full Shade
Soil Needs: Widely Adaptable
Mature Height: 10 - 14 inches
Mature Spread: 12 - 24 inches
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Pollination Info

Pollination Information for Ghost Lamium (Lamium maculatum 'Ghost')

Ghost Lamium is a flowering perennial plant that is grown for its unusual foliage and delicate flowers. The flowers are pale pink and white and are arranged in whorls around the stem. Ghost Lamium is pollinated by bees, butterflies, and other insects that are attracted to its nectar and pollen.

The plant has a long blooming period, which begins in late spring and continues through summer. During this time, it is important to keep the plant well-watered and fertilized to ensure healthy growth and abundant blooms. Ghost Lamium is a hardy plant that can withstand a wide range of growing conditions, making it an ideal choice for gardeners of all skill levels.

Pollination is essential for the survival of Ghost Lamium and other flowering plants. Without pollination, plants cannot produce seeds, which are necessary for the next generation of plants to grow. By attracting pollinators to their flowers, Ghost Lamium and other plants ensure that their genetic material is spread to other individuals, increasing the genetic diversity of the species and promoting its overall health and growth.

Overall, Ghost Lamium is a beautiful and useful plant that plays an important role in the ecosystem. By providing nectar and pollen to pollinators, it helps to support the health and diversity of the natural world.


Ghost Lamium (Lamium maculatum 'Ghost') FAQ

What is Ghost Lamium?

Ghost Lamium is a variety of dead nettle, also known as Lamium maculatum 'Ghost'. It is a perennial plant that is grown for its striking variegated foliage and occasional light pink or white flowers. It is predominately used as a ground cover in shady gardens or as an accent plant in containers.

What are the growing conditions for Ghost Lamium?

Ghost Lamium prefers well-drained soil that is consistently moist. It can tolerate full shade to partial sun but prefers a cooler environment. It is recommended to grow in USDA hardiness zones 3-8.

How tall and wide does Ghost Lamium grow?

Ghost Lamium typically grows up to 12 inches tall and can spread up to 24 inches wide.

When does Ghost Lamium bloom?

Ghost Lamium blooms from late spring to early summer, producing small light pink or white flowers. However, the plant is primarily grown for its foliage.

How do I care for Ghost Lamium?

Ghost Lamium requires minimal care once established. Regular watering is required to ensure consistent moisture and prevent the soil from drying out. It is recommended to keep the soil moist but not waterlogged. Fertilizing is not necessary but can be done in the spring if desired. Ghost Lamium does not need to be pruned but can benefit from trimming back any dead or damaged foliage throughout the growing season.

Can Ghost Lamium be grown in containers?

Yes, Ghost Lamium can be grown in containers. It is important to ensure the container has good drainage and that the soil is kept consistently moist. This plant will do well in a container placed in a shady area.

Does Ghost Lamium attract bees or butterflies?

Ghost Lamium is not known to attract bees or butterflies as its flowers are not very showy, and the plant is primarily grown for its variegated foliage.

Is Ghost Lamium poisonous?

Ghost Lamium is non-toxic and safe for both humans and pets.

Planting & Care

Planting & Care for Ghost Lamium (Lamium maculatum 'Ghost')


  • Choose a location that receives partial to full shade.
  • Ghost Lamium prefers moist, well-drained soil but can tolerate slightly dry conditions.
  • Plant in the spring or fall, spacing the plants 12 to 18 inches apart.
  • Dig a hole that is slightly larger than the root ball and plant at the same depth it was growing in the container.
  • Water thoroughly after planting and apply a layer of mulch around the base of the plant to retain moisture.


  • Water regularly, especially during dry periods, to keep the soil moist.
  • Fertilize with a balanced fertilizer in the spring when new growth appears.
  • Deadhead spent blooms to encourage new growth and maintain a tidy appearance.
  • Ghost Lamium is deer-resistant but can be attractive to rabbits. Protect with a barrier if necessary.
  • Divide in the spring every few years to maintain plant health and vigor.
  • Watch for powdery mildew, a fungal disease that can affect Lamium. If necessary, treat with a fungicide.

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Kazuko I.

Received Ghost Lamium in perfect condition, looks even better in person. Very happy with my purchase.

Paloma Q.

I ordered the Ghost Lamium and was pleased with the quality of the plant. It arrived well-packaged and healthy. The website was user-friendly, and the shipment was on time. Customer service was also helpful. Would recommend to others.

Sayuri Q.

Customer service was exceptional, had a question about my order and received a prompt and helpful response.

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