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Arborvitae Trees

Lamium White Nancy

Lamium maculatum 'White Nancy'

8 reviews

Arborvitae Trees

Lamium White Nancy

Lamium maculatum 'White Nancy'

8 reviews

  • Easy to grow and low maintenance
  • Beautiful silvery-white foliage adds a pop of color to shaded areas
  • Produces small, delicate flowers in the spring
  • Ships to 43215 in 3 to 7 days
  • Free Shipping Over $150
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Why Lamium White Nancy?

Lamium White Nancy (Lamium maculatum 'White Nancy') is a perfect ground cover for shady areas. It produces beautiful white and green variegated foliage and small pinkish-lavender flowers in the spring. This plant is easy to grow, low-maintenance, and spreads quickly to cover bare soil. Lamium White Nancy thrives in moist and well-drained soil, making it perfect for woodland gardens, under trees or shrubs, or in a shady border. Its thick foliage also prevents weed growth.

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Lamium White Nancy plants thrive in partial to full shade, making them an ideal choice for areas with limited sunlight. They can tolerate some morning sun, but prefer cooler temperatures and protection from intense afternoon sun.

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Lamium White Nancy requires regular watering, especially during hot and dry periods. It prefers moist soil but can tolerate some drought. Water the plant deeply and allow the soil to dry slightly before watering again to prevent overwatering.

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Lamium White Nancy prefers a well-drained soil rich in organic matter. It benefits from a balanced fertilizer with equal parts nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Applying a slow-release granular fertilizer in spring can support healthy growth and floweri

Lamium White Nancy, also known as Lamium maculatum ‘White Nancy’ or Spotted Dead Nettles, is a semi-evergreen, matty perennial, considered one of the best ground covers for semi-shaded locations.

The mat-forming perennial noted for its heart-shaped, silvery green leaves, adorned with thin dark green margins, is also remarkable for its small clusters of pure white flowers that appear in late spring and then sporadically again in the fall. The long bloom period makes it a very popular ground cover.

Lamium White Nancy rises to 12 inches tall, with a spread of 25-35 inches. The plant is sufficiently cold hardy to hardiness planting zones 3-8. It's considered evergreen in mild winter climates in the very warm winter areas on the zone range.

As for growing conditions, Lamium White Nancy grows best in part shade garden to full shade garden. It prefers rich, evenly moist, well-drained soil and can grow in loam, chalk, sand, or clay soils with acid, alkaline or neutral pH.

It's fairly tolerant of drought and dry shade and seriously dislikes humidity and high heat. It's also disease and pest free, as well as deer and rabbit resistant. After flowering, plants can be cut back to encourage fresh foliage cover.

Lamium White Nancy would be a perfect addition to shaded gardens, beds, and borders where another ground cover wouldn't handle it. Not just as a ground cover, it's also perfect for plantings under perennials or shrubs. Order yours from Shurbub right away to get your Spotted Dead Nettle in its best shape. 


Plant Information:

Botanical Name: Lamium maculatum 'White Nancy'
USDA Zones: 3-8
Water: Moderate
Exposure: Full Shade
Soil Needs: Well-Drained
Mature Height: 6 - 8 inches
Mature Spread: 12 - 24 inches
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Pollination Info

Lamium White Nancy (Lamium maculatum 'White Nancy') is a perennial plant that belongs to the mint family. This plant is a popular choice for gardeners due to its attractive foliage and flowers.

The flowers of Lamium White Nancy are small and tubular, and they bloom in the summer months. They are white or light pink in color and grow in clusters on the top of the plant. The flowers are pollinated by bees and other flying insects that are attracted to their nectar and pollen.

This plant is known to be a good source of nectar for bees and other pollinators. It is also an excellent choice for gardeners who want to support native pollinators in their area.

Overall, Lamium White Nancy is an easy-to-grow plant that provides beauty and pollination benefits to any garden.


Frequently Asked Questions about Lamium White Nancy (Lamium maculatum 'White Nancy')

General Information

  • What is Lamium White Nancy?
    Lamium White Nancy is a perennial, low-growing ground cover. It has silvery-white leaves and produces small, pinkish-purple flowers in the spring and summer.
  • What are the growing zones for Lamium White Nancy?
    Lamium White Nancy can be grown in USDA zones 3-8.
  • How do I propagate Lamium White Nancy?
    Lamium White Nancy can be propagated through division in the spring or early fall. It can also be grown from seed.
  • How tall does Lamium White Nancy grow?
    Lamium White Nancy typically grows to be 6-8 inches tall and about 12-24 inches wide.
  • Does Lamium White Nancy require a lot of maintenance?
    No, Lamium White Nancy is a low-maintenance plant. It only needs occasional watering and can be cut back if necessary after flowering to encourage new growth and keep it from getting too leggy.

Planting and Care

  • What type of soil is best for Lamium White Nancy?
    Lamium White Nancy prefers well-drained soil that is neutral to slightly acidic. It will not tolerate poorly-drained or compacted soil.
  • Does Lamium White Nancy prefer sun or shade?
    Lamium White Nancy prefers partial to full shade, but can tolerate some sun in cooler zones.
  • When should I plant Lamium White Nancy?
    Lamium White Nancy can be planted in the spring or fall.
  • How often should I water Lamium White Nancy?
    Lamium White Nancy prefers consistently moist, but not waterlogged soil. Water it deeply once a week, or more often during dry periods.
  • Is there anything I need to do to prepare Lamium White Nancy for winter?
    Lamium White Nancy is generally winter hardy and does not require any special protection. However, you may want to apply a layer of mulch to insulate the soil and protect the roots during especially harsh winters.

Pests and Diseases

  • What pests commonly affect Lamium White Nancy?
    Lamium White Nancy can be affected by slugs and snails. Keeping the area free of debris and removing any nearby weeds can help prevent these pests.
  • What diseases are Lamium White Nancy susceptible to?
    Lamium White Nancy is generally resistant to disease, but it can be affected by leaf spot or powdery mildew in humid conditions. Proper air circulation and avoiding overhead watering can help prevent these diseases.

Uses and Design Tips

  • What are some ways to use Lamium White Nancy in my landscaping?
    Lamium White Nancy is ideal for use as a ground cover in shaded areas. It pairs well with other shade-loving plants such as ferns and hostas.
  • Are there any design tips for using Lamium White Nancy?
    Lamium White Nancy's silvery-white leaves make it a great contrast to dark foliage plants. It can also be used to brighten up shady areas or as a filler between larger plants.
  • Can Lamium White Nancy be grown in containers?
    Yes, Lamium White Nancy can be grown in containers as long as the container is large enough to accommodate its spread and the soil is well-drained.

Planting & Care

Planting Lamium White Nancy

  • Choose a location with well-drained soil and partial shade.
  • Dig a hole twice the size of the root ball and loosen the soil at the bottom of the hole.
  • Place the plant in the hole and fill with soil, firmly pressing around the base of the plant to remove any air pockets.
  • Water the plant deeply after planting.
  • Space plants 12-18 inches apart.

Care for Lamium White Nancy

  • Water regularly to ensure soil stays moist but not waterlogged.
  • Fertilize once a month during the growing season with a balanced fertilizer.
  • Deadhead spent flowers to encourage continued blooming.
  • Prune back in early spring to encourage bushier growth.
  • Watch for pests such as slugs and snails and treat as necessary.
  • Divide every two to three years to prevent overcrowding.

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Dennis S.

Thrilled with my purchase, Lamium White Nancy exceeded my expectations.

Alberto M.

Customer service was helpful and responded promptly to my inquiries.

Reina W.

Thriving in my garden

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