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Arborvitae Trees

Encore® Azalea Autumn 'Debutante™'

Rhododendron x Roblel Autumn Debutante

6 reviews

Shrubs & Hedges
Arborvitae Trees

Encore® Azalea Autumn 'Debutante™'

Rhododendron x Roblel Autumn Debutante

6 reviews

Shrubs & Hedges
  • Reblooming variety with beautiful pink blooms in spring, summer, and fall
  • Tolerant of a wide range of soil types and pH levels
  • Low maintenance and easy to care for, making it perfect for any garden or landscape
  • Ships to 43215 in 3 to 7 days
  • Free Shipping Over $150
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Why Encore® Azalea Autumn 'Debutante™'?

Encore® Azalea Autumn 'Debutante™' is a beautiful evergreen shrub that blooms multiple times throughout the year, providing vibrant pink flowers to the landscape. Its compact size makes it a great choice for smaller gardens or containers. The Autumn Debutante variety is known for its hardiness and ability to thrive in a variety of soil types and growing conditions.

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sun icon


Encore® Azalea Autumn 'Debutante™' requires full to partial sunlight. It thrives in a location that receives at least 4-6 hours of direct sunlight per day. Ensuring proper sunlight exposure will help promote healthy growth and abundant blooming througho

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Encore® Azalea Autumn 'Debutante™' requires regular watering to keep the soil consistently moist, especially during hot and dry periods. It is important to water deeply and allow the soil to dry slightly between waterings to prevent root rot.

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Encore® Azalea Autumn 'Debutante™' requires a well-balanced acidic fertilizer with a 4-8-4 or similar ratio for optimal growth and flowering. Fertilize in early spring before new growth begins and again in midsummer to ensure a steady supply of nutrient

Encore® Azalea Autumn 'Debutante™'

The Encore® Azalea Autumn Debutante™ is a beautiful evergreen shrub that provides stunning blooms in spring, summer, and fall. Featuring large, ruffled pink flowers with white freckles, this azalea is sure to add a pop of color to your garden throughout the year.

Key Features:

  • Repeated blooming in spring, summer, and fall
  • Lush green foliage that remains evergreen year-round
  • Large, ruffled pink flowers with white freckles
  • Great for borders, mass plantings, or container gardens
  • Tolerant of heat and humidity

Care Instructions:

The Encore® Azalea Autumn Debutante™ prefers partial shade to full sun and well-drained soil. Water regularly, especially during hot and dry periods. Apply a slow-release fertilizer in spring for optimal growth. Prune after the spring bloom to maintain shape and promote new growth.

Planting Ideas:

Plant the Encore® Azalea Autumn Debutante™ in a mixed border for a burst of color throughout the year. Use it as a focal point in a container garden or mass plantings for a dramatic effect. Combine with other Encore® Azalea varieties for a colorful and diverse landscape.

Plant Information:

Botanical Name: Rhododendron x Roblel Autumn Debutante
USDA Zones: 6 - 10
Mature Height: 3-4 FT
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Pollination Info

Encore® Azalea Autumn 'Debutante™' (Rhododendron x Roblel Autumn Debutante)

Pollination Info:

  • Plant Type: Evergreen shrub
  • Pollination: Encore® Azaleas are self-pollinating, meaning they do not require cross-pollination with another plant to set fruit. However, planting multiple azaleas in close proximity can increase the chances of more successful pollination.
  • Blooms: 'Debutante™' produces beautiful pink blooms in the spring, summer, and fall, attracting pollinators such as bees and butterflies.
  • Pruning: Deadheading faded blooms and light pruning after the main bloom cycle can encourage new growth and more blooms.
  • Care: Keep the soil well-drained and consistently moist. Apply a slow-release fertilizer formulated for acid-loving plants in the spring and fall.


Encore® Azalea Autumn 'Debutante™' (Rhododendron x Roblel Autumn Debutante) - FAQ

Q: What are the key features of Encore® Azalea Autumn 'Debutante™'?

A: Encore® Azalea Autumn 'Debutante™' is a stunning evergreen azalea that boasts an abundance of ruffled, pale pink blooms in the spring and fall. It has a compact, upright growth habit and dark green foliage that provides year-round interest in the garden.

Q: How should I plant Encore® Azalea Autumn 'Debutante™'?

A: Plant Encore® Azalea Autumn 'Debutante™' in a well-draining, acidic soil that is rich in organic matter. Choose a location with partial to full sun exposure for best results. Dig a hole twice as wide and just as deep as the root ball, then gently loosen the roots before placing the plant in the hole and backfilling with soil.

Q: How often should I water Encore® Azalea Autumn 'Debutante™'?

A: Encore® Azalea Autumn 'Debutante™' prefers consistently moist soil, especially during the growing season. Water deeply and regularly, especially during periods of drought. Make sure to mulch around the base of the plant to help retain moisture and regulate soil temperature.

Q: How do I fertilize Encore® Azalea Autumn 'Debutante™'?

A: Feed Encore® Azalea Autumn 'Debutante™' with a slow-release, acidic fertilizer in the spring before new growth emerges. Follow label instructions for application rates and timing. Avoid fertilizing in late summer or fall, as this can encourage new growth that may be damaged by frost.

Q: How should I prune Encore® Azalea Autumn 'Debutante™'?

A: Pruning Encore® Azalea Autumn 'Debutante™' is best done after the spring bloom cycle has finished. Remove any dead or diseased branches, as well as any crossed or crowded branches to improve air circulation and promote new growth. Avoid heavy pruning, as this can reduce flowering potential.

Q: Are there any pests or diseases that affect Encore® Azalea Autumn 'Debutante™'?

A: Encore® Azalea Autumn 'Debutante™' is relatively pest and disease resistant, but it may be susceptible to common azalea pests such as lace bugs or aphids. Keep an eye out for signs of infestation and treat early if necessary. Proper watering, fertilizing, and pruning can also help avoid stress and susceptibility to diseases.

Planting & Care

Planting & Care for Encore® Azalea Autumn 'Debutante™'

The Encore® Azalea Autumn 'Debutante™' is a compact, evergreen shrub that produces beautiful pink blooms in spring, summer, and fall. Follow these planting and care instructions to ensure your Encore® Azalea thrives:


  • Choose a location with well-drained, acidic soil. Encores prefer partial to full sun.
  • Dig a hole that is twice as wide and just as deep as the root ball. Loosen the roots before planting.
  • Place the plant in the hole and backfill with soil, tamping down gently as you go.
  • Water thoroughly after planting to help the roots establish.


  • Water regularly, especially during dry periods. Keep the soil consistently moist, but not waterlogged.
  • Apply a balanced, slow-release fertilizer in spring and late summer to promote healthy growth and blooming.
  • Prune after the first bloom cycle in spring to shape the plant and encourage new growth.
  • Mulch around the base of the plant to retain moisture and suppress weeds.
  • Protect your Encore® Azalea from harsh winter winds and frost by covering with burlap or a frost cloth.

With proper care, your Encore® Azalea Autumn 'Debutante™' will continue to bloom and bring beauty to your garden year after year.

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Franklin T.

Fast shipping and well packaged

Juan L.

Vibrant blooms and sturdy stems

Gert C.

Beautiful and healthy plant

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