
A Splash of Color All Season Long: Choosing the Right Bee Balm Varieties for Your Needs

Published: 06/06/2024 | Updated: 06/06/2024

A Splash of Color All Season Long: Choosing the Right Bee Balm Varieties for Your Needs - Shrubhub

Bee Balm

Bee balm is a flowering perennial that’s loved by both gardeners and pollinators. Native to eastern North America, it produces dense, colorful blooms that last all season long. With its minty fragrance and nectar-rich flowers, bee balm attracts hummingbirds, butterflies, bees, and other beneficial insects.

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This versatile plant comes in a wide range of flower colors, from rich reds and pinks to purples, whites, and colors. Bee balm grows tubular flowers that are borne in dense, globular clusters atop square stems clad with aromatic, toothed leaves. In this article, we will talk about some varieties of bee balm its diversity of colors and forms, and how it offers something for every garden.

Bee Balm (Monarda didyma), with its vibrant flowers and minty scent, is a perennial favorite among gardeners and pollinators alike. Thriving in full sun to part shade, this native North American plant brings both beauty and utility to your garden.

Plantation & Growth: Bee Balm prefers rich, well-draining soil in an area that receives at least 6 hours of sunlight daily. Sow the seeds or plant seedlings in the spring after the last frost. Space the plants 18 to 24 inches apart to ensure adequate air circulation, which promotes healthy growth and reduces the risk of disease.

Plant Care: Water the plants regularly to keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. It responds well to mulching, which helps keep soil moisture and control weeds. A balanced, slow-release fertilizer applied in the spring can support its growth, but moderate your used to prevent overly lush foliage at the expense of blooms.

Pruning & Propagation: Prune it in the early spring to encourage bushier growth. Deadhead spent flowers to extend the blooming period. You can easily propagate bee balm by dividing it in the spring or fall, which helps manage the size of your patch and encourages more vibrant growth.

Common Pests & Diseases: Powdery mildew is a common challenge, though selecting resistant varieties and providing good air circulation can mitigate risks. Keep an eye out for aphids and whiteflies, and manage them using eco-friendly insecticidal soaps.

Variety Advantages: Bee Balm varieties come in a range of colors - from bright reds to soft pinks and purples. Each cultivar has specific advantages, such as ‘Jacob Cline’ for its mildew resistance or ‘Blue Stocking’ for its vibrant violet blooms. Varieties also differ in size and habitat preference, offering options for every garden.

Embracing it in your garden not only adds a splash of color and fragrance but also invites the joyful buzz of hummingbirds and bees. Its easy care, coupled with the plant’s versatility, makes Bee Balm a worthy addition to any outdoor space. Ready to add a burst of color and charm to your landscape? Click now to explore our Bee Balm varieties at ShrubHub and bring the magic of nature to your doorstep!

A Splash of Color All Season Long: Choosing the Right Bee Balm Varieties for Your Needs - Shrubhub

Jacob Cline Bee Balm

Jacob Cline Bee Balm, a standout variety of Monarda, captivates with its striking red flowers and robust growth. Favored for its resilience and vibrant color, it’s an excellent choice for the gardener aiming to add a dash of drama to their landscape. Achieving a thriving display of this fiery perennial comes down to understanding its needs and seasonal care.

Plantation & Growth: Jacob Cline thrives in full sun to partial shade and prefers moist, well-drained soil. Planting should occur in the spring, spacing the plants 18-24 inches apart to allow for mature growth. This variety can reach up to 4 feet in height, providing an impressive backdrop or central feature in garden designs.

Plant Care: Regular watering is the key to keeping the soil consistently moist, especially in hotter months. Mulching helps keep moisture and keeps the roots cool. While it is more resistant to powdery mildew than other varieties, ensuring good air circulation is still vital.

Pruning & Propagation: To encourage fuller growth, prune young plants in early spring. Dead-heading will promote a longer bloom period. Seed or division can easily propagate it in early spring or fall, allowing you to expand your collection or share with fellow gardeners.

Common Pests & Diseases: Although it is more resistant to diseases like powdery mildew, one needs to be vigilant. Keep an eye out for common pests such as aphids and try to manage them organically if possible.

Variety Advantages: The “Jacob Cline” Bee Balm stands out for its towering, bright red blooms that are a magnet for hummingbirds and butterflies. Its disease-resistant nature and ability to adapt to various conditions make it a low-maintenance choice for gardeners looking to add long-lasting appeal to their gardens.

Incorporating Jacob Cline Bee Balm into your garden not only enhances its aesthetic but also supports local wildlife, creating a vibrant and eco-friendly outdoor space. Don’t wait to transform your landscape, visit ShrubHub today and secure your slice of summer splendor!

A Splash of Color All Season Long: Choosing the Right Bee Balm Varieties for Your Needs - Shrubhub

Electric Pink Bee Balm

Electric the bee balm leaves: Pink Bee Balm, part of the Monarda family, energizes gardens with its neon pink blossoms and enduring charm. This cultivar, which bridges aesthetics and ecology, is appealing to individuals who want to enhance the color of their gardens while also promoting pollinators. Here’s your guide to nurturing a bright, healthy stand of Electric Pink Bee Balm.

Plantation & Growth: Plant in spring or early fall, allowing 18 inches between plants to provide ample room for expansion. It reaches about 20 to 30 inches tall and wide, so plot its position in your garden accordingly, whether it’s a border standout or a vivacious addition to your perennial bed.

Plant Care: Water regularly during dry spells to keep the soil moist but avoid waterlogged conditions. Applying a layer of compost or mulch helps in moisture retention and temperature control. Fertilize with a balanced garden feed in early spring to bolster its showy performance through the season.

Pruning & Propagation: Dead-heading spent blooms can stimulate secondary flowering. In late fall, pruning back the stems prepares it for winter. Divide clumps every 2 to 3 years in spring or fall for propagation and to rejuvenate the plant’s vigor.

Common Pests & Diseases: Remain vigilant against powdery mildew, even though it showcases better resistance than many other varieties. Regularly monitor for aphids and rust, treating organically, as required.

A dazzling color, mildew resistance, and compact, clump-forming habit make it a celebrated variety. This Monarda variation is not only a visual treat but also a favorite of bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds, promoting a lively and healthy ecosystem right in your backyard.

Ignite your garden’s allure with Electric Pink Bee Balm from ShrubHub! This vibrant, low-maintenance perennial promises a garden bursting with color and life, attracting bees and butterflies alike. Perfect for any spot with full sun to partial shade, it’s a show-stopper that brings both beauty and nature closer to home. Transform your outdoor space into a pollinator paradise. Click over to ShrubHub now and let Electric Pink Bee Balm light up your garden!

A Splash of Color All Season Long: Choosing the Right Bee Balm Varieties for Your Needs - Shrubhub

Pardon My Cerise Bee Balm

Pardon My Cerise Bee Balm, with its cerise-pink flowers and compact habit, is a delightful choice for gardeners who love color but are tight on space. This Monarda variety proves that even the smallest gardens can boast vivid, pollinator-friendly plants. Achieving and maintaining a flourishing display of Pardon My Cerise is straightforward with the right care regimen.

Plantation & Growth: Plant in early spring or fall, spacing plants about 12-15 inches apart to accommodate their growth habit. They’ll reach about 10-14 inches in height. This smaller stature makes Pardon My Cerise perfect for front-of-border placements, containers, or small garden spaces.

Plant Care: Consistent watering is key, especially during dry spells. While drought-tolerant once established, regular moisture ensures optimal flowering. Mulch to keep soil moisture and reduce weed competition. Apply a balanced, slow-release fertilizer in the spring to support robust growth.

Pruning & Propagation: Dead-heading faded blooms encourage a second flush of flowers. Pruning back in late fall after flowering completes the seasonal care cycle. Propagate by division in spring or fall to refresh and multiply your plantings.

Common Pests & Diseases: Pardon My Cerise is relatively disease resistant, particularly susceptible to powdery mildew only. However, maintaining good air circulation around plants can further protect against common ailments. Monitor for pests like aphids and treat them as needed.

Variety Advantages: The compact size and disease resistance of Pardon My Cerise make it an ideal choice for gardeners seeking high-impact, low-maintenance plants. Its vibrant blooms not only add a pop of color but also attract a variety of pollinators, enhancing the garden’s biodiversity.

Add a pop of cerise to your garden with Pardon My Cerise Bee Balm from ShrubHub! Low-maintenance and perfect for any spot that gets sun or partial shade, it’s a bee, butterfly, and hummingbird magnet. Don’t wait to splash your garden with vibrant color. Visit ShrubHub today to get your Pardon My Cerise Bee Balm!

A Splash of Color All Season Long: Choosing the Right Bee Balm Varieties for Your Needs - Shrubhub

Rockin Raspberry Bee Balm

Rockin Raspberry Bee Balm offers a fresh twist to the traditional Monarda with its deep, berry-colored blooms that can create a stunning visual impact in any garden. Ideal for those aiming to introduce a splash of rich, raspberry red to their landscape, this variety combines ornamental appeal with hardy growing attributes.

Plantation & Growth: Sow your bee balm in the spring after the last frost or in early fall. Space them about 18-24 inches apart to give each plant ample room to mature. Rockin Raspberry can reach up to 2-3 feet in height, making a bold statement in mid-border positions or as an accent plant in flower beds.

Plant Care: Regular watering is important to maintain moist soil, but be sure not to over-water. Mulching helps keep the roots cool and moist. Fertilize it in early spring to encourage vigorous growth and abundant flowering.

Pruning & Propagation: Dead-heading flowers can prolong the bloom period and maintain plant appearance. To propagate, divide clumps in spring or autumn every few years. This not only multiplies your plants but also invigorates them.

Common Pests & Diseases: Breeders have developed Rockin Raspberry to resist common bee balm afflictions like powdery mildew, but it’s still important to keep an eye out for any signs of trouble. Organic remedies can manage pests like aphids.

Variety Advantages: With a more compact size than some of its kin, Rockin Raspberry is perfect for smaller gardens without sacrificing color or presence. Its resistance to disease and attraction to pollinators like hummingbirds and butterflies make it an environmentally friendly and low-maintenance selection for any gardener.

Bring vibrant colors and sweet scents to your garden with Rockin Raspberry Bee Balm from ShrubHub! Ideal for attracting bees and butterflies. This easy-to-grow plant makes the perfect addition to any garden spot. Dive into a world of rich raspberry hues and eco-friendly gardening today. Click over to ShrubHub and let Rockin Raspberry Bee Balm transform your outdoor space!

A Splash of Color All Season Long: Choosing the Right Bee Balm Varieties for Your Needs - Shrubhub

Sugar Buzz Grape Gumball Bee Balm

The Sugar Buzz Grape Gumball Bee Balm, with its whimsical name, delivers a vibrant pop of purple that seems almost too delightful to be real. This selection of Monarda is not only a feast for the eyes but also a magnet for pollinators, making it a dual-purpose plant that embellishes the garden and supports local ecology.

Plantation & Growth: Plant in the cooler moments of spring or early fall, spacing them approximately 18-24 inches apart, allowing for their mature spread. Sugar Buzz Grape Gumball will reach a height of about 20-24 inches, fitting perfectly into the middle layer of mixed borders or as a standout in a perennial bed.

Plant Care: Consistent soil moisture is crucial, especially in the first growing season, to establish a deep, extensive root system. Apply mulch to keep soil moisture and regulate temperature. A balanced fertilizer in early spring encourages lush growth and bountiful blooms.

Pruning & Propagation: Dead-heading will promote a longer flowering period while cutting back in late autumn will keep your garden tidy. Division every 3-4 years in the spring or fall rejuvenates clusters and expands your garden’s color palette.

Common Pests & Diseases: This variety boasts excellent resistance to powdery mildew, a common concern with Bee Balms. Monitor for pests such as aphids and treat them accordingly.

Variety Advantages: Sugar Buzz Grape Gumball stands out for its vibrant blooms, compact growth habit, and disease resistance. It’s an enticing choice for those desiring to attract bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds to pollinator gardens. A resilient and eye-catching addition, it ensures your garden remains abuzz with activity and beauty.

Add a burst of color and fragrance to your garden with Sugar Buzz Grape Gumball Bee Balm from ShrubHub! Perfect for attracting bees and pollinators, this stunning plant with deep purple flowers and a delightful scent is easy to grow and low-maintenance. Ideal for both beginners and seasoned gardeners. Transform your garden into a vibrant paradise today! Shop now at ShrubHub.

Garden Uses

Gardeners can use bee balm in various ways throughout the garden because it is a versatile plant. Its bright colors and fragrant blooms make it an excellent choice for mixed borders, containers, and as a cut flower.


Bee balm looks beautiful, planted en masse in perennial borders. The tall, bushy plants provide a bold splash of color and fill in empty spots. Plant bee balm towards the middle or back of borders so they don’t overwhelm shorter plants in front. Choose a color theme or mix different hues for a vibrant, collage-like effect. The nectar-rich flowers will also attract pollinators and butterflies to your garden.


With its upright, mounding form, bee balm is ideal for planting in containers and planters. Choose a medium to large pot and use bee balm as a thriller plant, among other fillers and spillers. It brings vertical interest and bright blooms. You can easily move container-grown bee balm plants to highlight different areas of your patio, porch, or deck.

Cut Flowers

The showy flower heads of bee balm make excellent cut flowers. Cut stems when flowers are in full bloom, in the morning before the heat of the day. Strip off the lower leaves and place in a vase with fresh water. Bee balm flowers will last up to 7-10 days in a vase. You can use the fragrant blooms as bouquet fillers or focal points.

Let Bee Balm Brighten Your Garden: Start Choosing Today!

Bee balm is a gorgeous perennial that brings splashes of color to the garden from spring through fall. Its bright, dense flower clusters attract pollinators while providing a lovely floral display. Choosing the right bee balm varieties allows you to customize the bloom time, flower colors, scents, and growth habits to suit your needs and growing conditions.

With so many excellent bee balm varieties, it’s easy to find ones that will perform well and provide the desired aesthetics for your unique garden space. A splash of bee balm truly brings vibrancy and life to your space plants and the landscape all season long. Discover the garden of your dreams with ShrubHub! From lush shrubs to towering trees, we offer a premium selection of high-quality plants to elevate your outdoor space. Whether you’re creating a cozy hedge or a majestic canopy, our top-tier vegetation is just a click away. Don’t settle for anything less than the best for your garden. Visit ShrubHub now to choose the perfect plants for lasting beauty and growth.



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