What is a Low Maintenance Plant and What Are The Best Plants of That Type to Get
Published: 19/04/2023 | Updated: 09/09/2023
While a lot of us might enjoy the company of plants and want to think of ourselves as plant carers, not that many of us do a very good job at it.

Plants can be very demanding, and a lot of well-intentioned people find themselves forgetful plant parents. No matter how hard they try or how many alarms they put up, they always find themselves with a dead plant.
That's because they might be taking care of the wrong plants! If you want to be a good plant parent, even if you're forgetful, busy, and accidentally neglectful, you still have options, as many houseplants and garden plants require very little attention and thrive best when they are left on their own to do their own thing.
What Are Low Maintenance Plants?
Low-maintenance plants are plants that don't require a lot of human interference and manipulation of elements to thrive.
There are many types of easy plants, but they generally need little watering, and easy-to-maintain soil and light conditions.
With minimal effort, they thrive to their full potential and bring beauty into your home and life.
Low Maintenance Indoor Plants
Now we can go into some of the loveliest, easiest, and most forgiving houseplants that you can adorn your house with without the occasional panic that you've killed yet another plant.
Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is one of the most tolerant plants you can get for your indoors. It resembles cactuses and, to a large extent, is drought tolerant as it can grow in dry and hot climates.
Aloe Vera just needs a lot of direct sunlight, so put it by a sunny window, like a south-facing window, or another sunny spot. Otherwise, it just needs occasional watering, around once a week.
Corn Plant
Dracaena fragrant, known as corn plants, are flowering tropical plants that are becoming favorites of different people everywhere.
It's one of the coolest low-maintenance indoor plants. It just needs moist soil during its growing seasons and medium to bright indirect light. Low light can cause the leaves to narrow, but the plant can tolerate low light to an extent better than it can super bright light.
Air Plants
Known as air plants, Tillandsia isn't one type of plant, but an entire family or genus that contains around 650 species of flowering plants.
The most curious thing about air plants is their potting soil needs--none. Yes, this plant requires no soil to grow.
This plant absorbs what it needs from the air. But that doesn't mean it needs no care at all! It needs watering every once in a while, where you soak it in a water container for a few hours, and also needs some bright indirect light.
Wax Plant
Wax plants are a diverse family of plants called after their thick leaves and waxy foliage. They are also distinguished by their sweet smell.
The wax plant needs a medium to bright indirect light, but some morning natural light now and then would do it well.
Otherwise, there is much beauty to get from this type of plant. It's vinying so that you can hang it from a hanging planter or a hanging basket anywhere, and it will twirl stunningly around the structure.
Money Tree
This miniature tree will soon be one of your favorite indoor plants. It's adorable, beautiful with thick and dark green leaves, believed to bring good luck, and easy to care for; what more could we want?!
Money tree loves bright indirect light, and a slightly, barely moist top layer but generally prefers its soil dry rather than fully moist. Humidity is generally good for it too. And inside, it can grow between 6 and 8 feet tall.
Snake Plants
Also known as a mother-in-law's tongue, the snake plant is distinguished by the shape of its dark green leaves.
This indoor plant is also perfect to have in your room, not just because it tolerates low light and generally needs low to medium light, but it also continues to produce oxygen at night, unlike many other plants.
Chinese Evergreen
Chinese evergreen plants are other of the best indoor plants that won't require much from you.
They generally need low to medium light, but the types with deep green leaves will need more light. In either case, however, it has to be indirect light, as direct sunlight can burn their leaves.
Cold drafts or hot gases of air can harm it, so in winter, protect it inside and don't put it too close to air conditioners or so.
Umbrella Tree
Like the snake plant, umbrella trees have curiously shaped leaves. They require medium to bright indirect light and are fertilized in early spring for two to three weeks for best results.
Otherwise, it's an easy indoor plant that will reward you with fresh greenery and beauty.
It'd also grow to 6 feet indoors in well-drained soil and medium indirect light.
ZZ Plants
ZZ Plant is named after its dark glossy leaves and trailing stems in a zigzag pattern. A perfect indoor plant for its air purifying abilities, the ZZ plant is also pretty easy to care for.
It usually needs little watering, around once every 2 or 3 weeks. But water usually depends on how much light you give to it. And you'd know if you're underwatering it from its yellow leaves.
Otherwise, ensure it gets some medium light, and its potting soil is well drained.
Spider Plant
Spider plants are adaptable and easy, making them a perfect indoor plant for you to consider. All it asks for is medium bright indirect light and water every week or two.
Jade Plant
Jade plant is one of the prettiest indoor plants to get. It needs bright indirect light, whether natural or artificial light, and a small pot lest a big pot allows waterlogged soil to suffocate the indoor plant.
Swiss Cheese Plant
This indoor plant will add much to your place and decor without demanding much.
Only bright indirect light and watering every once in a while when the soil is completely dry.
At shrubhub.com, we aim to constantly provide you with all you need to know about landscapes, gardens, and the wonderful world of plants so that you always make the best choices regarding your home. Also, because we care, we currently offer a 70% discount on all our design services! It's as easy as clicking to sign up here, don't miss the chance.