
Top Trends in Commercial Landscaping Design

Published: 17/09/2024 | Updated: 16/09/2024

Top Trends in Commercial Landscaping Design - Shrubhub

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A well-planned outdoor space can create a strong first impression. Commercial landscaping plays a key role in improving the look, use, and sustainability of commercial properties. It can change a simple commercial space into a nice oasis. This can include making inviting entrances or adding peaceful outdoor seating areas.

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Leading Trends in Commercial Landscaping Design

The world of commercial landscaping is always changing. New trends keep coming up. Property managers and landscaping companies are looking at fresh ideas. They want to make commercial spaces look better. They also care about sustainability, employee well-being, and giving visitors a good experience.

This look at the top trends in commercial landscaping design includes sustainable practices and the use of technology. Find out how these trends make commercial areas more attractive, eco-friendly, and welcoming.

1. Sustainable Practices and Eco-Friendly Materials

Sustainable landscaping is very important today because many people care about the environment. Using eco-friendly materials helps lessen the harm to nature in commercial landscaping. This includes using recycled or reclaimed materials for walkways, patios, and retaining walls.

It is also important to choose plants that fit the local climate. Native plants are stronger and need less water and care. This means less need for extra watering and chemicals.

When commercial properties adopt sustainable landscaping and use eco-friendly materials, they can lower their impact on the environment. At the same time, they create nice and responsible outdoor spaces.

2. Incorporating Outdoor Workspaces

As work and leisure time mix more, using outdoor workspaces has become popular in commercial landscaping. Property managers see the benefits of letting employees and visitors enjoy nature.

Having comfortable seating, enough shade, and access to Wi-Fi helps create inviting outdoor work areas. These spots offer a nice break from the usual sterile feel of regular office spaces. Research shows that being outside can lower stress, increase creativity, and improve our overall well-being.

Outdoor workspaces also make commercial areas look better. They help create a healthier and more productive work environment.

Top Trends in Commercial Landscaping Design - Shrubhub

3. Smart Irrigation Systems for Water Conservation

Water conservation is very important for commercial properties. Smart irrigation systems can help solve this issue. These systems use sensors and weather information to water plants exactly when and where it is needed.

By improving watering schedules, smart systems cut down on water waste and lower total water usage. This helps with sustainability. It also saves money on water bills.

Smart irrigation systems show how technology can fit into landscape maintenance. They improve efficiency and encourage responsible water use.

4. The Use of Native Plants to Enhance Biodiversity

Incorporating native plants into commercial landscaping designs is getting popular because of their many benefits. Native plants are suited to the local climate and soil conditions.

This means they can survive better and need less water, fertilizer, and care. When landscaping companies choose native plants, they can create landscapes that are easy to maintain and can grow well in their natural settings.

Also, native plants help local ecosystems. They provide places to live and food for pollinators and wildlife. This boosts biodiversity and helps create a healthier environment.

5. Multi-Functional Green Spaces

Gone are the times when green spaces in businesses were only for looks. Now, commercial landscaping includes useful green spaces that bring many benefits. These areas can be used for outdoor meetings, breaks for employees, or even small events.

Placing seating, tables, and shade correctly can change green spaces into welcome gathering spots. These spots help people come together, work together, and talk. By making these green spaces more useful, commercial facilities create fun and lively places for employees, visitors, and customers.

Top Trends in Commercial Landscaping Design - Shrubhub

6. Emphasis on Seasonal Color and Texture

Creating a lively and appealing landscape means using different colors and textures throughout the seasons. By choosing plants that bloom at different times and have various colors and textures, landscaping companies can make sure that commercial spaces look good all year around.

This not only makes the property more attractive but also creates a warm and lively feel. Adding elements like decorative rocks, mulch, and hardscapes brings depth, contrast, and more visual interest to the landscape design.

7. Integrating Technology in Landscape Management

Technology is very important in landscape management. It helps property owners and landscaping companies use better tools to take care of their land more efficiently. Smart irrigation systems are one example of this.

There are other new tools too. These include GPS-guided mowers, sensors that check how wet the soil is, and software that helps manage landscaping tasks. By using technology, landscaping companies can make their operations smoother, waste less, and offer better services that are also more sustainable.

8. Creating Interactive Landscapes

Commercial landscapes are changing. They now include fun and engaging features that improve experiences for tenants and visitors. These features can be walking paths, water areas, and outdoor games.

These interactive spaces encourage people to be active. They also help reduce stress and build a sense of community. When individuals feel connected to their environment, they are more likely to interact with the space and each other.

By making these interactive landscapes, commercial properties create a special sense of place. This also helps improve the well-being of everyone who uses them.

9. Prioritizing Accessibility in Design

Inclusive design is very important in all types of commercial design, including landscaping. Making outdoor spaces accessible is key. This helps ensure that everyone, no matter their abilities, can enjoy these areas.

For example, it's good to include ramps for wheelchair users, use non-slip surfaces for walkways, and have enough lighting for darker areas. Signage should be clear and easy to read.

When we think about the different needs of all people, commercial landscapes can create a positive and welcoming experience for everyone.

10. Incorporation of Artistic Elements

To make commercial landscapes more than just functional areas, we can add artistic elements. These can make the spaces look better and create unique experiences. Things like sculptures, water features, and murals can catch people's attention and engage their senses.

When choosing these art pieces, it’s important to think about how they fit with the look of the property. They should also match a company’s brand image. Adding art to the landscape brings in a feel of sophistication, creativity, and care.

These artistic touches can change outdoor areas into exciting places. They make a great impression on visitors and improve the overall feel of the commercial space.

Top Trends in Commercial Landscaping Design - Shrubhub

Benefits of Following These Landscaping Trends

Embracing these landscaping trends has many benefits for property owners, tenants, and the environment. When businesses focus on sustainability, create inviting outdoor areas, and use creative design ideas, they can make their properties more appealing.

These trends show a move towards greener, more people-focused, and attractive commercial spaces that help everyone in the long run.

Enhancing Property Value and Appeal

A well-kept and nicely designed landscape can really boost the value and charm of a commercial property. Making a good first impression is key in bringing in tenants, customers, and investors.

When there is lush greenery, bright flowers, and pleasant outdoor areas, it makes a welcoming and unforgettable setting. This helps create a positive experience right when someone arrives. Better curb appeal can lead to higher rent rates, greater property values, and a stronger position in the market.

People looking to buy or rent are more likely to prefer properties that look appealing and offer a sense of comfort.

Improving Environmental Sustainability

As more people become aware of environmental problems, companies are expected to act in ways that support sustainability. Landscaping is one area where businesses can make a big difference. By using sustainable landscaping methods, businesses show they care about the environment and want to be good corporate citizens.

This means they should use water-saving irrigation, choose eco-friendly materials, and lower chemical use. Sustainable landscaping practices help the planet and can also save money over time by saving water, energy, and resources.

Being committed to sustainability is important for customers and investors who care about the environment. They prefer businesses that think about their ecological impact.


Commercial landscaping design is changing. It now focuses on being good for the environment, useful, and pleasing to the eye. Businesses can increase property value by using eco-friendly materials, creating outdoor workspaces, and adding smart irrigation systems.

Using native plants and multi-purpose green areas adds more variety and beauty. Mixing technology with artistic designs makes landscapes more interactive and easy for people to enjoy. These trends make things look better and help the environment, too. Stay up to date by following these new ideas and share them on social media.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Makes a Commercial Landscape Design "Sustainable"?

Sustainable landscaping aims to reduce harm to the environment. It involves using eco-friendly materials and water-saving methods. It also emphasizes using native plants that are suited to the local climate.

How Can Technology Improve Commercial Landscaping?

Technology, such as smart irrigation systems, checks the weather and soil conditions. This helps give just the right amount of water. It makes things more efficient and cuts down on waste.

Are There Any Cost-Effective Trends in Commercial Landscaping?

Cost-effective trends include using native plants that need less water and fertilizer. Installing smart irrigation systems can save money in the long run because they make water use more efficient.

Need Assistance in Creating Your Commercial Landscape?

Shrubhub’s 3D landscape design packages can significantly transforms your commercial space by delivering customized, professional landscaping plans tailored to their unique space and personal style. With the ease of online collaboration, you are guided step-by-step through a design process that fundamentally reshapes your outdoor environment. The result is an aesthetically pleasing and functional outdoor commercial space that provides that great first impression you want for your business.

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