
9 Plants to Grow in Your Rabbit Garden

Published: 19/04/2023 | Updated: 05/07/2024

9 Plants to Grow in Your Rabbit Garden - Shrubhub

A rabbit garden is a great way to get your pet rabbit back outside while they enjoy the fresh air and sunshine.

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Rabbits are social animals and enjoy being around other rabbits as well as people.

However, they also need their own space where they can feel safe and secure.

If you have several pets and a small yard, then a bunny garden or a rabbit-friendly garden will give them plenty of room to roam around and play with each other.

In this article, we will discuss why you might need a rabbit garden, and which plants to add to your garden!

Why Do You Need a Rabbit Garden?

There are many reasons to plant a rabbit garden. It’s a great way to provide fresh food for your animals and your bunnies, it can make your home more attractive and it helps you learn about gardening in general.

Rabbits love gardens to nibble on fresh herbs, veggies, fruits, and all the plants you have.

If you're trying to establish a bunny-friendly garden in your backyard, consider these ten plants as a start.

9 Plants to Grow in Your Rabbit Garden - Shrubhub

1. Oregano

Oregano is a member of the mint family, and it's easy to grow. Oregano is so hardy that it can withstand even extreme weather conditions like drought or frost.

It's an excellent source of antioxidants and also contains iron and calcium--two nutrients that are important for humans', rabbits', and dogs' health.

Oregano can be grown indoors, planted in garden beds or containers, or outdoors; just make sure you plant it from seed or in fertile soil with plenty of sunlight!

2. Mint

Mint is a great source of vitamins and minerals. It is rich in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and iron. Mint leaves are also an excellent source of vitamins C and A.

Mint has many health benefits:

Mint even has antibacterial properties that may help prevent tooth decay when added to homemade toothpaste!

3. Parsley

Another great plant to grow in your rabbit garden this winter is parsley.

It's a good source of vitamin C, iron, calcium, and antioxidants--and who doesn't want their rabbit to grow a plant that can help them feel good?

Parsley is also high in vitamins A, K, and B6 and dietary fiber, which helps keep your digestive system regulated.

9 Plants to Grow in Your Rabbit Garden - Shrubhub

4. Dill Weed

Dill weed is a great addition to salads, and it has a strong, distinctive flavor.

It can be harvested in less than a month and grows easily in containers in gardeners or pots, even indoors on your patio or windowsill!

5. Sage

Sage is a perennial plant that blooms from spring to summer to fall.

It produces small white flowers, which are edible and make for good teas. Sage is also high in calcium, iron, and vitamin A.

Sage leaves can be dried and stored for later use when making tea or cooking food with them.

6. Thyme

Thyme is a great addition to your rabbit's diet. This herb has many health benefits and it's also easy to grow!

Thyme contains antioxidants that can help prevent cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer's disease.

Rabbits love the strong flavor of thyme so you'll have no problem getting them to eat it!

9 Plants to Grow in Your Rabbit Garden - Shrubhub

7. Pot Marigold

If you're looking for a plant that's easy to grow and will provide food to your bunny with some extra nutrition, pot marigold is an excellent choice.

This annual flower produces bright yellow blooms that are loaded with vitamin C and calcium.

Besides the rabbits eating the petals raw (which they love), bunnies can also nibble on and eat the leaves, bark, or stems of this low-maintenance plant.

A great way to incorporate pot marigolds into your garden is by planting them in containers or garden beds that are specifically designed for rabbits species' small size.

8. Lettuce

Lettuce is one of many leafy greens that are perfect for a rabbit garden. It's a great addition to your rabbit's diet.

It's not only high in vitamins and minerals but also contains lots of fiber that can help keep your bunny healthy.

Lettuce is also easy to grow in your rabbit garden, so your rabbit won't have any trouble growing it yourself!

9. Swiss chard

Swiss chard is a leafy green vegetable that's very healthy for your rabbit to eat.

It has a mild flavor, which means it's not likely to cause indigestion or upset your bunny's stomach. Plus, Swiss chard is easy to grow in the garden!

Swiss chard grows well in full sun or partial shade and the fruit prefers moist soil with good drainage--the plants should be watered regularly but not overwatered.

The plants will produce large leaves (up to 12 inches long) if you harvest them regularly; otherwise, they'll become bitter tasting as they grow larger than about 6 inches long (the stems).

9 Plants to Grow in Your Rabbit Garden - Shrubhub

Landscaping Tips For Your Bunny Garden

Use mulch or wood chips to keep the soil cool and moist. This will also help reduce weeds, which are a rabbit's favorite snack!

Choose plants that grow well in your area--if you live in an area that gets very hot all summer long, you may want to choose flowers or a different type of plant than if you live in a cooler climate.

Make sure to give your bunnies plenty of space in their backyard and garden. Rabbits love to run, jump and play, so make sure there are plenty of places for them to explore.

You can rabbit-proof by using chicken wire around a certain area. You can also surround your garden with garden statues.

If you already have a lawn, then your garden will be much easier to maintain. Just add some flowers or vegetables in between the spaces.

To make sure your bunny garden is a success, it's important to plan and consider the things you'll need.

9 Plants to Grow in Your Rabbit Garden - Shrubhub

Create a Rabbit Garden for Happier Pet Bunnies!

The best thing about growing herbs for your pet rabbit is that they can be used in all kinds of ways.

You can seeds, use them as part of your pet rabbit's diet, or simply enjoy the smell and taste of the fresh herbs in your home.

Don't forget to check out our blog if you're looking for other plants for your garden beds!

And don't forget to visit shrubhub.com to learn more about our yard design services!



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